Height of Magadha State Full Information

Height of Magadha State

Friends, today I am going to tell you about Height of Magadha State with the help of this article, I hope you will get to learn a lot with the help of this post written on Height of Magadha State.
The Height Of Magadha State

Height of Magadha State Full Information

  1. Brihadratha was the founder of the oldest dynasty of Magadha.
  2. Its capital was Giribraj (Rajgriha).
  3. Jarasandha was the son of Brihadratha.
  4. Bimbisara, the founder of the Haryanka dynasty, ascended the throne of Magadha in 544 BC (according to Buddhist texts). He was a follower of Buddhism. He was the first Indian king who laid emphasis on the administrative system.
  5. After defeating Brahmadatta, Bimbisara annexed the kingdom of Anga to Magadha.
  6. Bimbisara built Rajagriha and made it his capital.
  7. Bimbisara ruled Magadha for about 52 years.
  8. In the service of Mahatma Buddha, Bimbisara sent Rajvaidya Jivaka.
  9. When the king of Avanti, Pradyota, was suffering from Pandu's disease, Bimbisara had sent Jivaka to serve him.
  10. Bimbisara expanded his empire by establishing matrimonial relations. He married Mahakoshala, the sister of the Kosala king Prasenjit, Chellana, the daughter of Chetak of Vaishali, and Ksema, the princess of Madra Desh (modern Punjab).
  11. Bimbisara was assassinated by his son Ajatashatru and he ascended the throne of Magadha in 493 BC.
  12. Ajatashatru's surname was Kunika.
  13. He was initially a follower of Jainism.
  14. Ajatashatru ruled Magadha for 32 years.
  15. Ajatashatru's qualified minister was named Varshakar (Varaskar). With the help of this Ajatashatru conquered Vaishali.
  16. 461 AD In the past, after killing his father, Udayin ascended the throne of Magadha.
  17. Udayin founded Patilgram. He was a follower of Jainism.
  18. The last king of Haryanka dynasty was Nagdasaka, the son of Udayin.
  19. After deposing Nagdashaka, his Amatya Shishunaga established the Shishunaga dynasty on Magadha in 412 BC. Shishunaga shifted his capital from Pataliputra and established it at Vaishali.
  20. Shishunaga's successor Kalashok again moved the capital to Pataliputra.
  21. Nandivardhana was the last king of the Shishunaga dynasty.
  22. Mahapadmananda was the founder of the Nanda dynasty.
  23. The last ruler of the Nanda dynasty was Ghanananda. He was a contemporary of Alexander. Chandragupta Maurya defeated it in the war and established a new dynasty 'Maurya dynasty' on Magadha.

Friends, hope that you must have liked this post written on Height of Magadha State. if You have any queries related to Height of Magadha State than you can ask your question in comment.


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