who was Alexander in History ?

Who was Alexander in history?

Friends, today with the help of this article, I am going to tell you about who was Alexander, I hope that with the help of this post written on who was Alexander, you will get to learn a lot.

who was Alexander in History

Know who was Alexander in History

  • Alexander was born in 356 BC.
  • Alexander's father's name was Philip.
  • Philip became the ruler of Macedonia in 359 BC.
  • Alexander was assassinated in 329 BC.
  • Alexander was a disciple of Aristotle.
  • Alexander started the campaign of conquest of India in 326 BC.
  • Seleucus Nicator was the commander of Alexander. 
  • Alexander had to fight with Porus, the ruler of the Punjab, which is known as the Battle of Hydaspes or the Battle of Jhelum (Vitasta).
  • Alexander's army reached the western bank of the river Vyas and refused to cross it.
  • Alexander returned from India by land route in 325 BC.
  • Alexander died in Babylon in 323 BC at the age of 33. 
  • Alexander's water commander was - Nyayakas. 
  • Alexander's favorite horse was Boukephala.  In the name of this, he built a city named Boukephla on the banks of river Jhelum.

Friends, hope that you must have liked this post written on who was Alexander, if you got to learn something new with the help of this post, then we are very happy and if you have any question related to who was Alexander.  You can ask us your question in comment.


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